Brief History of Arbor

For those lacking the patience to endure the long and complex process of reading, the makers of this fine compendium have provided a means of escaping this unwelcome tedium. Yes, gentle reader—you can begin your sojourn in Arbor with all haste! For your personal convenience, we present to you a brief history of Arbor, thus avoiding the muss and fuss of reading volumes of textbooks.

Timeline of Historical Ages

Age of Fables (?????????  - 1,000 BR)
There is much debate on how our world came to existence, many tablets and ancient scriptures speak of divergent stories of how it all happened. No one knows how the universe was created. No one at all. Some gentlemen think they do, some know they don't, and the vast majority of people really don't care, mind you. However, there is one that particularly caught my attention. it speaks of 3 songs; the one sang by the universe, the one sang by all living things, and the one sang by all that is not living. After an extended explanation as to what each song is about - which i will save you the burden of reading - it then goes on about the arrival of strange forces that caused discord in the song of the universe, which later began to emulate life found in this world as this cacophonous beings began to procreate children of their own. These incomplete scriptures were found in multiple underground ruins, which were populated by the nasty dwergaz. 

Now, this may all sound silly - and to a point it is - but according to my research and those of numerous colleges, the arcane forces are in constant conflict with the natural forces of our world. This may all be related or perhaps it may not, ill leave that to your own judgement. One thing is certain however, magic did not originate in this world.

  • Arrival of the Discordance to the Harmony of the Spheres.
  • Dwarven clans unite to form the Kingdom of Jofurr in northern Imber.
  • First encounter of dwarves and fey creatures in northern Daeva. Constant skirmishes ensued.
  • Elven tribes unite to war against humans and dwarves for the northern lands of Daeva.
  • Elven tribes win the war. Kingdom of Hildir formed.
  • King Hildir conquers Balmora and northern Imber and enslaves the dwarves and some human tribes. Those humans that escaped fled to the south.
  • The Dwarf Sigrunar steals the cursed ring of Feiknstafir and escapes slavery.
  • Sigrunar unlocks the gift of magic through the ring, passes the gift to some of his kin and begins the rebellion against King Hildir. Numerous magic items were forged by the dwarves during this period.
  • Sigrunar drives King Hildir and his army back towards northern Daeva.
  • Last War of Dwarves, Men, and Fey ensues.
  • Sigrunar and King Hildir battle in Hildir's Throne room. Using the ring, Sigrunar places the Stone Curse on King Hildir. Realizing he was put under an irremovable curse, King Hildir destroys the ring, removing the gift of magic from the dwarves. By sacrificing most of his kin, King Hildir places a devastating curse on all dwarves.
  • Compelled by a powerful spell, dwarves move underground where they presumably became the dwergaz.
  • Weather begins to drastically change.
  • Constant rain floods the world.
  • The waters settle but rain continues. Imber established.
  • Daeva established by humans.
  • Rain subsides. Weather normalizes.

Age of Crowns (999 - 800 BR)
Those who survived the flooding began to form their own kingdoms in order to survive and defend their lands. The first true human kingdoms are formed.

  • Balmora is established. Church of Musica Universalis is assembled in Balmora.
  • Imber and Pollentia established.
  • Church of Musica Universalis spreads towards other kingdoms.
  • Civil war in Pollentia. Ferros established as a result of the war.
  • Parv established.
  • Raise of the last Troll King Vorrog in southern Daeva.
  • Musica Universalis becomes the official religion of all kingdoms. Peace is secured by the church for years.

Age of Feuds (899- 500 BR)
As the human kingdoms settled, there were individuals who craved for more power and more lands. The wars that began due to such individuals spanned decades and were carried by family houses, organizations, and diverse guilds.

  • The head of the Church, Kapellmeister Archibald is assassinated while visiting the capital of Imber. The nation of Balmora declares this incident as an act of treason against the Musica Universalis and declares war on Imber.
  • Years later, war between Balmora and Imber stops when the treaty of harmony is signed by both nations.
  • Records speak of the last Troll King, Vorog. His army marches towards the Kingdom of Hildir for unknown reasons. The nation of Daeva did not interfere.
  • Ferros declares war on Pollentia on the grounds of territorial disputes. 
  • The Troll King appears in Balmora and begins raiding and pillaging the nation. Balmora sends envoys requesting help but no one comes to their aid. 
  • The siblings Oros, Yoros, and Eares slain the Troll King Vorog thus ending the Troll Wars.
  • The heroic siblings perish. A year later, the military religion known as the Great Faith is established by Harland Buller, king of Balmora.
  • The Great Faith overthrows the church of the Musica Universallis. Imber accepts its leaders into their nation as a sign of loyalty to the church and to prove Imber had nothing to do with the assassination of the Kapellmeister decades ago.
  • Years after the formation of the Great Faith, Balmora declares war on Daeva, Imber, and Kingdom of Hildir.
  • Pollentia joins the war allying itself with Imber. Ferros joins the war as well aiding Balmora.

Age of Discovery (499- 1 BR)
Humans began to explore and experiment with alternate ways to improve their form of living without the use of magic. Science flourishes.

  • Imber discovers gunpowder. Balmoran spies stole the formulae and starts to use it for warfare purposes. Gunpowder and pollentian fire became the new accesories in the war effort.
  • Imber occupies Ferros in the aftermath of the battle at Long Creek. Ferros's royalty flies to Parv, from there, the fight for Ferros's freedom is leaded. 
  • As science flourishes, clockwork and other contraptions are created in many universities across Arbor.
  • Balmoran general Jonah Proctor starts a paramilitary called The Witchfinders Society whose function is to watch and hunt rogue magic-user nobility within balmoran borders. Some say this group was born from the generalized aversion to magic that balmoran's have. 
  • Imberian dissidents starts an emancipation war against the mainland government in the Ulsovan archipelago. Admiral Safran Lacasse is declared by the movement "president of the new formed: Ulsovan Federation." 
  • Portos Caldera, a member of the ferrosian nobility disguises himself as a monk in order to infiltrate a coastal fortress in the occupied Ferros. The plan to open the gates succeeds and the fortress is taken back by a band of ferrosian brigands. 
  • In a desperate attempt to gain advantage over the other nations, Balmora allows scientists to make experiments that would have military use. The first war abominations are created that now plague the continent of Arbor.
  • The treaty of Progressio is signed which defines the border of all nations as we see them today and ends all wars on Arbor. The ferrosian nobility is allowed to take possesion of their lands again.

Age of Steam
Construction of the first steam engine.

  • The first steam engine is born by accident when an imberian cook discovered that by boiling water in an iron container he could gather energy to perform mechanical motion.
  • The navy of the Ul'sovan Federation becomes ruler of the northern waters. Imber and Ferros tried to keep at bay the rapid uprising of that young nation by creating "The Maritime Indulto" thus endorsing the free roaming of pirates and buccaneers in the northern sea.
  • The influence of Hildir over the northern inland is greater than ever. Magic flourishes in the north while the south grows in the ways of technology. 
  • The first crafted automaton is put in circulation by Imber most prominent corporation "Hogwallop Brothers & co.". This machine was destroyed into pieces due to an implosion caused by the combustion fuels used at that time.